Suite 12, 38 Meadowvale Avenue Sth Perth

Complete skin examination for a risk free life | LEARN MORE HERE.
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Skin Cancer Screening
It is imperative to diagnose skin cancer early. This is true for all forms of skin cancer, but especially so for melanoma.
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The Dangers of UV Light
Your sin is your body's outer protective layeer. Chronic over-exposure to sun light accelerates the signs of ageing as well as causing cancerous change. Find out more about the effects of UV on the skin.
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Skin Cancer
Approximately 450,000 Australians are treated for skin cancer each year. It kills 1600 Australians every year. The majority of these deaths are preventable.
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Sun Protection
Protecting your skin is not just about slopping on some sun screen. Sun screen should be regardrd as a last line of defence, albeit an important one.
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Skin Search’s primary objective is the early detection of all skin cancers, particularly melanoma. The rapid growth and early spread of Melanoma reminds us of the need for early diagnosis and treatment.

A sophisticated hi-tech computerised photography system including dermoscopic (microscopic) imaging checks for the emergance of new lesions as well changes in existing spots, particularly moles, so suits those at higher risk such as those with Dysplastic Naevus Syndrome (DNS), who have many large and unusual looking moles. All images are assessed and reported on by a specialist dermatologist.

Remember – Australia has the highest incidence of skin cancer in the world. The incidence of Melanoma in Australia is increasing and currently accounts for the deaths of 1200 people each year, most of which are preventable.


Complete Skin Examination (CSE)

This service is appropriate for someone who is at low risk or who does not have any particular concerns regarding specific lesions or spots. 

Standard Excision (SSE)

Standard Surgical Excision (SSE) is the time honoured technique for excision of a wide range of benign and malignant skin tumors. An appropriate margin of normal skin surrounding the lesion to be excised is chosen and an elliptical or canoe shaped incision is made. The adjacent skin is then sutured together as a straight or curved line. The specimen is sent for pathological analysis with the result being known in 2 to 3 days.

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